The IRS imposes a variety of penalties on individuals on entities who fail to file or properly pay their taxes. These penalties can quickly add up, potentially reaching hundreds or thousands of dollars, which can make it challenging for taxpayers to settle their debts.
Types of IRS Penalties
The IRS can penalize taxpayers in several scenarios, such as: - Failure to file - Failure to pay - Inaccurate returns - Failure to deposit employment taxes - Underpayment of estimated tax - Dishonored checks
Penalties are often a percentage of the owed taxes. For instance, failing to file taxes results in a penalty of 5% of your unpaid tax bill for each month the return is late, plus interest on the penalties.
What is Penalty Abatement?
Penalty abatement is the process of reducing or eliminating IRS-imposed penalties. These penalties are meant to maintain a fair and effective tax system. However, the IRS recognizes that many taxpayers who fail to file or pay taxes do so unintentionally. Thus, they offer ways to avoid or remove these penalties.
How to Qualify for Penalty Abatement
First-time offenders can have their penalties waived. Additionally, you can apply for penalty abatement if you have reasonable cause, such as a death or serious illness in the family, which made it difficult or impossible to file or pay taxes on time.
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